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Osteopathy and Paediatric Osteopathy in Hereford

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of medicine that takes into account the whole individual.

We are the culmination of everything that’s happened to us, so it’s essential for your osteopath to take a comprehensive case history detailing not just the current complaint, but also any previous problems or injuries including a full medical history.


When part of the structure is altered through for example, physical trauma, occupational strain or stress or emotional trauma, a chain reaction may take place which is often mediated through the communication networks of the body; the blood supply, nervous or hormonal systems.

Treatment is aimed at gently releasing and balancing areas of physical tension, returning the body to a state of balance and allowing the body’s own self-healing ability to restore well-being and health.


Osteopathy is a protected title, meaning your osteopath must be registered with the General Osteopathic Council, a separate government regulatory body.

What is Osteopathy
Osteopathy can Help With
  • joint pains including hip and knee pain from osteoarthritis

  • arthritic pain

  • general, acute & chronic backache, back pain 

  • neck pain 

  • migraine prevention

  • fibromyalgia

  • inability to relax

  • rheumatic pain

  • frozen shoulder/ shoulder and elbow pain/ tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) 

  • circulatory problems, cramp

  • digestion problems

  • lumbago

  • sciatica

  • muscle spasms

  • neuralgia

  • sports injuries and tensions

  • generalised aches and pains


This is the specialism of using gentle osteopathic techniques specifically for treating babies, children, teens and perinatal mums.


Western medical acupuncture is the use of acupuncture following a medical diagnosis. It involves stimulating sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles. This results in the body producing natural substances, such as pain-relieving endorphins. It’s likely that these substances are responsible for the beneficial effects experienced with acupuncture.

Clinical Pilates

As part of your treatment package you may be given tailored exercises to help consolidate your improvements, increase your core stability, improve your posture and enhance overall fitness. 

How Does Osteopathy Work

How Does Osteopathy Work?

Osteopaths are best known for treating muscular and joint pain, but we actually treat much more. We aim to address the underlying cause of the symptoms you have. For example, most back and neck problems rather than being caused by a single incident tend to result from a combination of disturbed body mechanics, poor posture, stressful living and working habits, gradual loss of strength and flexibility and a general decline in physical fitness.

Months or years may pass before a combination of these factors results in an actual problem occurring often from a very minor event. Your osteopath will aim to relieve the acute symptoms, but also, by looking at the underlying patterns that lead to the problem, enable you to find a better balance through your body to reduce the likelihood of reoccurrence.

We place special emphasis on the importance of treating children because problems originating in childhood, if treated early, could prevent problems occurring later. Osteopaths take into consideration all aspects of health and development in their assessment of a baby or child.


More information on Paediatric Osteopathy can be found here.

Clinics and Prices

Clinic Locations


Kyrle House Clinic

Kyrle St, Hereford


Bookings for the Kyrle House Clinic can be made online or by phone, please click below for contact information and pricing


Hereford Yoga Centre

Foley Trading Estate, Hereford


Bookings for Hereford Yoga Centre therapy room can be made online or by phone, please click below for bookings and pricing

About Me

Wye Valley Osteopathy

Leone Booth

I graduated in 2001 from The European school of Osteopathy with a BSc Hons Ost. I went immediately to work in New Zealand for 3 years working in family practices in and around Auckland and starting my own Clinic in the Coromandel Peninsular.


I then returned to London where I worked and completed my Masters in Paediatric Osteopathy at the World renowned Osteopathic centre for Children. This was a two year course where I worked in the centre as well as in outreach clinics such as the neonatal unit at Barnet Hospital. I gained expertise in treating a wide variety of common complaints in babies and children. 


I then moved overseas once again where I spent a very happy 7 years living and working in a multidisciplinary clinic in Hong Kong. Work here was very much a team approach, working with GP’s, nutritionists, surgeons and massage therapists among others.

On returning to England I began working in Hereford and settled happily working in Kyrle House Practice. 


In addition to my Osteopathy I have completed studies in Clinical Pilates and although I no longer teach classes, prescribing exercises to my patients is a very important part of my practice to ensure long term change and continuing improvements. I am also trained in western acupuncture and will suggest this approach if I feel it may be appropriate but it is always your choice what type of treatment you have. 


Contact me via email.


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